Public Health Work Group

The Public Health Work Group coordinates regional planning efforts to ensure that our region is prepared to respond to large-scale public health emergencies. The Public Health Work Group is made up of representatives from Public Health Preparedness & Response programs, Cities Readiness Initiative, Medical Reserve Corps, Health Officers and Medical Examiners from Clackamas, Clark, Columbia, Multnomah and Washington Counties with additional representation from Yamhill County.  

Chair: Melissa McKinney, Cities Readiness Initiative


Public Health Work Group meets on the first Thursday of every month. Contact the chair for more info.

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CDC’s Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) is a federally funded program designed to enhance preparedness in the nation’s largest population centers to effectively respond to large public health emergencies needing life-saving medicines and medical supplies. Public health agencies in the Portland Metro CRI work together to improve planning for medical countermeasure distribution and dispensing for all-hazards events.