Resource Management Projects
The Resource Management Committee (RMC) was a sub-committee of the Emergency Managers Work Group (REMTEC). It was responsible for developing the capability to mobilize and track resources across the Portland Metropolitan Region (region) and across disciplines and agencies within the region in an emergency. The RMC developed solutions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of regional resource management, and some of their work is on this page.
The RMC stopped meeting summer 2023 and is now inactive. If you have questions about the RMC or past work products or materials the RMC developed, please contact
Regional Logistics After Action Report covering COVID-19, wildfires, severe weather, and civil unrest 2020-2021.
Appendix A - Participant Comments - available upon request
The Emergency Resource Request Management Handbook provides guidance to governmental and nongovernmental organizations within the Portland Metropolitan Region on how to request resources in a major emergency and manage the emergency resource request process. It provides guidance on the entire resource request management life cycle, from the formation and submission of the request to the closeout of the order and the payment of the provider. The document is intended to be a quick reference guide to the navigation of the emergency resource ordering process.
Other project highlights from the RMC include:
2020: Resource tracking project; Pre-scripted resource request project; Finalize Post-Disaster Facilities Assessment project.
2019: Hired RDPO Logistics Specialist limited-term position, updated SOP, updated Logistics course, deliver training, created resource ordering course module, delivered training, updated RLST plan, team recruitment, continued Post-Disaster Facilities Assessment project, scoped resource ordering project automation.
2018-Present: Post-Disaster Facilities Assessment, Allocation and Report. A tool, process and framework for locating and assigning appropriate sites for emergency uses such as debris storage, fuel storage, heliports, commercial points of distribution, and shelters.
2014: EOC Logistics Section and Chief Training Curriculum. Curriculum, course materials, and instructor guide.
2010: Regional Logistics Support Plan and Course Materials. The basic plan for coordinating resource support across the Portland Metro Region. It describes a concept of operations for the Regional Logistics Support Team (RLST).
2009 – 2014: Regional Resource Inventory. All-hazard, multi-discipline inventory of vendor resources.